Community Forests
Great importance is attributed worldwide to the forest belt that encircles built-up areas and it is seen as an essential environmental resource for the quality of life in the adjacent communities. The name "forest" does not necessarily mean a widely forested area. The community forest is the green entirety of the city and its surroundings, and often these are woods, avenues, and parks.
  • What Is a Community Forest?

    A community forest is a forest and the green entirety of the city, including the urban space and its surroundings, the aims of which include varied social and cultural aspects, such as vacationing and leisure, culture, health, and welfare for the local population.
  • Establishinig a Community Forest

    Collaboration between KKL-JNF and residents in establishing a community forest is based on a vision, a shared pact signed by KKL-JNF and the local authority, and a master plan with statutory status.

  • Forest, Community, Society

    The community forest has immense social importance. This is the infrastructure for entrepreneurship and for activity that gives added value to community life. KKL-JNF develops the infrastructure in the forest according to the needs defined by the residents and the local authority.
